Chapter 23. scripting introduction

Table of Contents

hello world
sourcing a script
troubleshooting a script
prevent setuid root spoofing
practice: introduction to scripting
solution: introduction to scripting

Shells like bash and Korn have support for programming constructs that can be saved as scripts. These scripts in turn then become more shell commands. Many Linux commands are scripts. User profile scripts are run when a user logs on and init scripts are run when a daemon is stopped or started.

This means that system administrators also need basic knowledge of scripting to understand how their servers and their applications are started, updated, upgraded, patched, maintained, configured and removed, and also to understand how a user environment is built.

The goal of this chapter is to give you enough information to be able to read and understand scripts. Not to become a writer of complex scripts.


You should have read and understood part III shell expansion and part IV pipes and commands before starting this chapter.

hello world

Just like in every programming course, we start with a simple hello_world script. The following script will output Hello World.

echo Hello World

After creating this simple script in vi or with echo, you'll have to chmod +x hello_world to make it executable. And unless you add the scripts directory to your path, you'll have to type the path to the script for the shell to be able to find it.

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ echo echo Hello World > hello_world
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ chmod +x hello_world 
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ ./hello_world 
Hello World
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$


Let's expand our example a little further by putting #!/bin/bash on the first line of the script. The #! is called a she-bang (sometimes called sha-bang), where the she-bang is the first two characters of the script.

echo Hello World

You can never be sure which shell a user is running. A script that works flawlessly in bash might not work in ksh, csh, or dash. To instruct a shell to run your script in a certain shell, you can start your script with a she-bang followed by the shell it is supposed to run in. This script will run in a bash shell.

echo -n hello
echo A bash subshell `echo -n hello`

This script will run in a Korn shell (unless /bin/ksh is a hard link to /bin/bash). The /etc/shells file contains a list of shells on your system.

echo -n hello
echo a Korn subshell `echo -n hello`


Let's expand our example a little further by adding comment lines.

# Hello World Script
echo Hello World


Here is a simple example of a variable inside a script.

# simple variable in script
echo var1 = $var1

Scripts can contain variables, but since scripts are run in their own shell, the variables do not survive the end of the script.

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ echo $var1

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ ./vars
var1 = 4
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ echo $var1

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$

sourcing a script

Luckily, you can force a script to run in the same shell; this is called sourcing a script.

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ source ./vars
var1 = 4
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ echo $var1
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ 

The above is identical to the below.

[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ . ./vars
var1 = 4
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ echo $var1
[paul@RHEL4a ~]$ 

troubleshooting a script

Another way to run a script in a separate shell is by typing bash with the name of the script as a parameter.

paul@debian6~/test$ bash runme

Expanding this to bash -x allows you to see the commands that the shell is executing (after shell expansion).

paul@debian6~/test$ bash -x runme
+ var4=42
+ echo 42
paul@debian6~/test$ cat runme
# the runme script
echo $var4

Notice the absence of the commented (#) line, and the replacement of the variable before execution of echo.

prevent setuid root spoofing

Some user may try to perform setuid based script root spoofing. This is a rare but possible attack. To improve script security and to avoid interpreter spoofing, you need to add -- after the #!/bin/bash, which disables further option processing so the shell will not accept any options.

#!/bin/bash -
#!/bin/bash --

Any arguments after the -- are treated as filenames and arguments. An argument of - is equivalent to --.

practice: introduction to scripting

0. Give each script a different name, keep them for later!

1. Write a script that outputs the name of a city.

2. Make sure the script runs in the bash shell.

3. Make sure the script runs in the Korn shell.

4. Create a script that defines two variables, and outputs their value.

5. The previous script does not influence your current shell (the variables do not exist outside of the script). Now run the script so that it influences your current shell.

6. Is there a shorter way to source the script ?

7. Comment your scripts so that you know what they are doing.

solution: introduction to scripting

0. Give each script a different name, keep them for later!

1. Write a script that outputs the name of a city.

$ echo 'echo Antwerp' > first.bash
$ chmod +x first.bash 
$ ./first.bash 

2. Make sure the script runs in the bash shell.

$ cat first.bash
echo Antwerp

3. Make sure the script runs in the Korn shell.

$ cat first.bash
echo Antwerp

Note that while first.bash will technically work as a Korn shell script, the name ending in .bash is confusing.

4. Create a script that defines two variables, and outputs their value.

$ cat second.bash


echo $var33 $var42

5. The previous script does not influence your current shell (the variables do not exist outside of the script). Now run the script so that it influences your current shell.

source second.bash

6. Is there a shorter way to source the script ?

. ./second.bash

7. Comment your scripts so that you know what they are doing.

$ cat second.bash
# script to test variables and sourcing

# define two variables

# output the value of these variables
echo $var33 $var42