Linux System Administration
Table of Contents
- I. process management
- 1. introduction to processes
- terminology
- process
- init
- kill
- daemon
- zombie
- basic process management
- $$ and $PPID
- pidof
- parent and child
- fork and exec
- exec
- ps
- pgrep
- top
- signalling processes
- kill
- list signals
- kill -1 (SIGHUP)
- kill -15 (SIGTERM)
- kill -9 (SIGKILL)
- pkill
- killall
- killall5
- top
- practice : basic process management
- solution : basic process management
- 2. process priorities
- priority and nice values
- introduction
- pipes (mkfifo)
- some fun with cat
- top
- top -p
- renice
- impact of nice values
- nice
- practice : process priorities
- solution : process priorities
- 3. background jobs
- background processes
- jobs
- control-Z
- & ampersand
- jobs -p
- fg
- bg
- practice : background processes
- solution : background processes
- II. disk management
- 4. disk devices
- terminology
- platter, head, track, cylinder, sector
- ide or scsi
- ata
- scsi
- block device
- solid state drive
- device naming
- ata (ide) device naming
- scsi device naming
- discovering disk devices
- fdisk
- dmesg
- /sbin/lshw
- /sbin/lsscsi
- /proc/scsi/scsi
- erasing a hard disk
- advanced hard disk settings
- practice: hard disk devices
- solution: hard disk devices
- 5. disk partitions
- about partitions
- primary, extended and logical
- partition naming
- discovering partitions
- fdisk -l
- /proc/partitions
- parted and others
- partitioning new disks
- recognising the disk
- opening the disk with fdisk
- empty partition table
- create a new partition
- display the new partition
- about the partition table
- master boot record
- partprobe
- logical drives
- GUID partition table
- labeling with parted
- partitioning with parted
- practice: partitions
- solution: partitions
- 6. file systems
- about file systems
- man fs
- /proc/filesystems
- /etc/filesystems
- common file systems
- ext2 and ext3
- creating ext2 and ext3
- ext4
- xfs
- vfat
- iso 9660
- udf
- swap
- gfs
- and more...
- /proc/filesystems
- putting a file system on a partition
- tuning a file system
- checking a file system
- practice: file systems
- solution: file systems
- 7. mounting
- mounting local file systems
- mkdir
- mount
- /etc/filesystems
- /proc/filesystems
- umount
- displaying mounted file systems
- mount
- /proc/mounts
- /etc/mtab
- df
- df -h
- du
- from start to finish
- permanent mounts
- /etc/fstab
- mount /mountpoint
- securing mounts
- ro
- noexec
- nosuid
- noacl
- mounting remote file systems
- smb/cifs
- nfs
- nfs specific mount options
- practice: mounting file systems
- solution: mounting file systems
- 8. troubleshooting tools
- lsof
- fuser
- chroot
- iostat
- iotop
- vmstat
- practice: troubleshooting tools
- solution: troubleshooting tools
- 9. introduction to uuid's
- about unique objects
- tune2fs
- uuid
- uuid in /etc/fstab
- uuid as a boot device
- practice: uuid and filesystems
- solution: uuid and filesystems
- 10. introduction to raid
- hardware or software
- raid levels
- raid 0
- jbod
- raid 1
- raid 2, 3 and 4 ?
- raid 5
- raid 6
- raid 0+1
- raid 1+0
- raid 50
- many others
- building a software raid5 array
- do we have three disks?
- fd partition type
- verify all three partitions
- create the raid5
- /proc/mdstat
- mdadm --detail
- removing a software raid
- further reading
- practice: raid
- solution: raid
- 11. logical volume management
- introduction to lvm
- problems with standard partitions
- solution with lvm
- lvm terminology
- physical volume (pv)
- volume group (vg)
- logical volume (lv)
- example: using lvm
- example: extend a logical volume
- example: resize a physical Volume
- example: mirror a logical volume
- example: snapshot a logical volume
- verifying existing physical volumes
- lvmdiskscan
- pvs
- pvscan
- pvdisplay
- verifying existing volume groups
- vgs
- vgscan
- vgdisplay
- verifying existing logical volumes
- lvs
- lvscan
- lvdisplay
- manage physical volumes
- pvcreate
- pvremove
- pvresize
- pvchange
- pvmove
- manage volume groups
- vgcreate
- vgextend
- vgremove
- vgreduce
- vgchange
- vgmerge
- manage logical volumes
- lvcreate
- lvremove
- lvextend
- lvrename
- practice : lvm
- solution : lvm
- 12. iSCSI devices
- iSCSI terminology
- iSCSI Target in RHEL/CentOS
- iSCSI Initiator in RHEL/CentOS
- iSCSI target on Debian
- iSCSI target setup with dd files
- ISCSI initiator on ubuntu
- using iSCSI devices
- iSCSI Target RHEL7/CentOS7
- iSCSI Initiator RHEL7/CentOS7
- practice: iSCSI devices
- solution: iSCSI devices
- 13. introduction to multipathing
- install multipath
- configure multipath
- network
- start multipathd and iscsi
- multipath list
- using the device
- practice: multipathing
- solution: multipathing
- III. boot management
- 14. bootloader
- boot terminology
- post
- bios
- openboot
- boot password
- boot device
- master boot record
- bootloader
- kernel
- grub
- /boot/grub/grub.cfg
- /boot/grub/grub.conf
- menu commands
- stanza commands
- chainloading
- simple stanza examples
- editing grub at boot time
- installing grub
- grub2
- grub 2.0 ?
- /etc/grub.d/40_custom
- /etc/default/grub
- update-grub
- lilo
- Linux loader
- lilo.conf
- practice: bootloader
- solution: bootloader
- 15. init and runlevels
- system init(ialization)
- process id 1
- configuration in /etc/inittab
- initdefault
- sysinit script
- rc scripts
- rc directories
- mingetty
- daemon or demon ?
- starting and stopping daemons
- chkconfig
- chkconfig --list
- runlevel configuration
- chkconfig configuration
- enable and disable services
- update-rc.d
- about update-rc.d
- removing a service
- enable a service
- customize a service
- bum
- runlevels
- display the runlevel
- changing the runlevel
- /sbin/shutdown
- halt, reboot and poweroff
- /var/log/wtmp
- Ctrl-Alt-Del
- UPS and loss of power
- systemd
- systemd targets
- systemd dependencies
- systemd services
- systemd signalling
- systemd shutdown
- remote systemd
- there is more systemd
- practice: init
- solution : init
- IV. system management
- 16. scheduling
- one time jobs with at
- at
- atq
- atrm
- at.allow and at.deny
- cron
- crontab file
- crontab command
- cron.allow and cron.deny
- /etc/crontab
- /etc/cron.*
- /etc/cron.*
- practice : scheduling
- solution : scheduling
- 17. logging
- login logging
- /var/run/utmp (who)
- /var/log/wtmp (last)
- /var/log/lastlog (lastlog)
- /var/log/btmp (lastb)
- su and ssh logins
- syslogd
- about syslog
- about rsyslog
- modules
- facilities
- priorities
- actions
- configuration
- restarting rsyslogd
- logger
- watching logs
- rotating logs
- practice : logging
- solution : logging
- 18. memory management
- displaying memory and cache
- /proc/meminfo
- free
- top
- managing swap space
- about swap space
- creating a swap partition
- creating a swap file
- swap space in /etc/fstab
- monitoring memory with vmstat
- practice : memory
- solution : memory
- 19. resource monitoring
- four basic resources
- top
- free
- watch
- vmstat
- iostat
- mpstat
- sadc and sar
- ntop
- iftop
- iptraf
- nmon
- htop
- 20. package management
- package terminology
- repository
- .deb packages
- .rpm packages
- dependency
- open source
- GUI software management
- deb package management
- about deb
- dpkg -l
- dpkg -l $package
- dpkg -S
- dpkg -L
- dpkg
- apt-get
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade
- apt-get clean
- apt-cache search
- apt-get install
- apt-get remove
- apt-get purge
- aptitude
- apt
- /etc/apt/sources.list
- rpm
- about rpm
- rpm -qa
- rpm -q
- rpm -Uvh
- rpm -e
- /var/lib/rpm
- rpm2cpio
- yum
- about yum
- yum list
- yum search
- yum provides
- yum install
- yum update
- yum software groups
- /etc/yum.conf and repositories
- alien
- downloading software outside the repository
- compiling software
- practice: package management
- solution: package management
- V. network management
- 21. general networking
- network layers
- seven OSI layers
- four DoD layers
- short introduction to the physical layer
- short introduction to the data link layer
- short introduction to the network layer
- short introduction to the transport layer
- layers 5, 6 and 7
- network layers in this book
- unicast, multicast, broadcast, anycast
- unicast
- multicast
- broadcast
- anycast
- lan-wan-man
- lan
- man
- wan
- pan-wpan
- internet - intranet - extranet
- tcp/ip
- history of tcp/ip
- rfc (request for comment)
- many protocols
- many services
- 22. interface configuration
- to gui or not to gui
- Debian nic configuration
- /etc/network/interfaces
- /sbin/ifdown
- /sbin/ifup
- RHEL nic configuration
- /etc/sysconfig/network
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-
- nmcli
- nmtui
- /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown
- ifconfig
- up and down
- setting ip address
- setting mac address
- ip
- dhclient
- hostname
- arp
- route
- ping
- optional: ethtool
- practice: interface configuration
- solution: interface configuration
- 23. network sniffing
- wireshark
- installing wireshark
- selecting interface
- minimize traffic
- sniffing ping
- sniffing ping and dns
- specific ip address
- filtering by frame
- looking inside packets
- other filter examples
- tcpdump
- practice: network sniffing
- solution: network sniffing
- 24. binding and bonding
- binding on Redhat/Fedora
- binding extra ip addresses
- enabling extra ip-addresses
- verifying extra ip-addresses
- binding on Debian/Ubuntu
- binding extra ip addresses
- enabling extra ip-addresses
- verifying extra ip-addresses
- bonding on Redhat/Fedora
- bonding on Debian/Ubuntu
- practice: binding and bonding
- solution: binding and bonding
- 25. ssh client and server
- about ssh
- secure shell
- /etc/ssh/
- ssh protocol versions
- public and private keys
- rsa and dsa algorithms
- log on to a remote server
- executing a command in remote
- scp
- setting up passwordless ssh
- ssh-keygen
- ~/.ssh
- id_rsa and
- copy the public key to the other computer
- authorized_keys
- passwordless ssh
- X forwarding via ssh
- troubleshooting ssh
- sshd
- sshd keys
- ssh-agent
- practice: ssh
- solution: ssh
- 26. introduction to nfs
- nfs protocol versions
- rpcinfo
- server configuration
- /etc/exports
- exportfs
- client configuration
- practice: introduction to nfs
- 27. introduction to networking
- introduction to iptables
- iptables firewall
- practice : iptables
- solution : iptables
- xinetd and inetd
- the superdaemon
- inetd or xinetd
- xinetd superdaemon
- inetd superdaemon
- practice : inetd and xinetd
- network file system
- protocol versions
- server configuration
- client configuration
- practice : network file system
- VI. kernel management
- 28. the Linux kernel
- about the Linux kernel
- kernel versions
- uname -r
- /proc/cmdline
- single user mode
- init=/bin/bash
- /var/log/messages
- dmesg
- Linux kernel source
- /usr/src
- downloading the kernel source
- kernel boot files
- vmlinuz
- initrd
- .config
- Linux kernel modules
- about kernel modules
- /lib/modules
- <module>.ko
- lsmod
- /proc/modules
- module dependencies
- insmod
- modinfo
- modprobe
- /lib/modules/<kernel>/modules.dep
- depmod
- rmmod
- modprobe -r
- /etc/modprobe.conf
- compiling a kernel
- extraversion
- make mrproper
- .config
- make menuconfig
- make clean
- make bzImage
- make modules
- make modules_install
- /boot
- mkinitrd
- bootloader
- compiling one module
- hello.c
- Makefile
- make
- hello.ko
- 29. library management
- introduction
- /lib and /usr/lib
- ldd
- ltrace
- dpkg -S and debsums
- rpm -qf and rpm -V
- tracing with strace
- VII. backup management
- 30. backup
- About tape devices
- SCSI tapes
- IDE tapes
- mt
- Compression
- tar
- Backup Types
- dump and restore
- cpio
- dd
- About dd
- Create a CDROM image
- Create a floppy image
- Copy the master boot record
- Copy files
- Image disks or partitions
- Create files of a certain size
- CDROM server example
- split
- practice: backup
- VIII. Appendices
- A. disk quotas
- About Disk Quotas
- Practice Disk quotas
- B. introduction to vnc
- About VNC
- VNC Server
- VNC Client
- Practice VNC
- C. License
- Index