Chapter 24. scripting loops

Table of Contents

test [ ]
if then else
if then elif
for loop
while loop
until loop
practice: scripting tests and loops
solution: scripting tests and loops

test [ ]

The test command can test whether something is true or false. Let's start by testing whether 10 is greater than 55.

[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ test 10 -gt 55 ; echo $?
[paul@RHEL4b ~]$

The test command returns 1 if the test fails. And as you see in the next screenshot, test returns 0 when a test succeeds.

[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ test 56 -gt 55 ; echo $?
[paul@RHEL4b ~]$

If you prefer true and false, then write the test like this.

[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ test 56 -gt 55 && echo true || echo false
[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ test 6 -gt 55 && echo true || echo false

The test command can also be written as square brackets, the screenshot below is identical to the one above.

[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ [ 56 -gt 55 ] && echo true || echo false
[paul@RHEL4b ~]$ [ 6 -gt 55 ] && echo true || echo false

Below are some example tests. Take a look at man test to see more options for tests.

[ -d foo ]             Does the directory foo exist ?
[ -e bar ]             Does the file bar exist ?
[ '/etc' = $PWD ]      Is the string /etc equal to the variable $PWD ?
[ $1 != 'secret' ]     Is the first parameter different from secret ?
[ 55 -lt $bar ]        Is 55 less than the value of $bar ?
[ $foo -ge 1000 ]      Is the value of $foo greater or equal to 1000 ?
[ "abc" < $bar ]       Does abc sort before the value of $bar ?
[ -f foo ]             Is foo a regular file ?
[ -r bar ]             Is bar a readable file ?
[ foo -nt bar ]        Is file foo newer than file bar ?
[ -o nounset ]         Is the shell option nounset set ?

Tests can be combined with logical AND and OR.

paul@RHEL4b:~$ [ 66 -gt 55 -a 66 -lt 500 ] && echo true || echo false
paul@RHEL4b:~$ [ 66 -gt 55 -a 660 -lt 500 ] && echo true || echo false
paul@RHEL4b:~$ [ 66 -gt 55 -o 660 -lt 500 ] && echo true || echo false

if then else

The if then else construction is about choice. If a certain condition is met, then execute something, else execute something else. The example below tests whether a file exists, and if the file exists then a proper message is echoed.


if [ -f isit.txt ]
then echo isit.txt exists!
else echo isit.txt not found!

If we name the above script 'choice', then it executes like this.

[paul@RHEL4a scripts]$ ./choice 
isit.txt not found!
[paul@RHEL4a scripts]$ touch isit.txt
[paul@RHEL4a scripts]$ ./choice 
isit.txt exists!
[paul@RHEL4a scripts]$

if then elif

You can nest a new if inside an else with elif. This is a simple example.

if [ $count -eq 42 ]
  echo "42 is correct."
elif [ $count -gt 42 ]
  echo "Too much."
  echo "Not enough."

for loop

The example below shows the syntax of a classical for loop in bash.

for i in 1 2 4
   echo $i

An example of a for loop combined with an embedded shell.

for counter in `seq 1 20`
   echo counting from 1 to 20, now at $counter
   sleep 1

The same example as above can be written without the embedded shell using the bash {} shorthand.

for counter in {1..20}
   echo counting from 1 to 20, now at $counter
   sleep 1

This for loop uses file globbing (from the shell expansion). Putting the instruction on the command line has identical functionality.

kahlan@solexp11$ ls
count.ksh  go.ksh
kahlan@solexp11$ for file in *.ksh ; do cp $file $file.backup ; done
kahlan@solexp11$ ls                                                 
count.ksh  count.ksh.backup  go.ksh  go.ksh.backup 

while loop

Below a simple example of a while loop.

while [ $i -ge 0 ] ;
   echo Counting down, from 100 to 0, now at $i;
   let i--;

Endless loops can be made with while true or while : , where the colon is the equivalent of no operation in the Korn and bash shells.

# endless loop
while :
 echo hello
 sleep 1

until loop

Below a simple example of an until loop.

let i=100;
until [ $i -le 0 ] ;
   echo Counting down, from 100 to 1, now at $i;
   let i--;

practice: scripting tests and loops

1. Write a script that uses a for loop to count from 3 to 7.

2. Write a script that uses a for loop to count from 1 to 17000.

3. Write a script that uses a while loop to count from 3 to 7.

4. Write a script that uses an until loop to count down from 8 to 4.

5. Write a script that counts the number of files ending in .txt in the current directory.

6. Wrap an if statement around the script so it is also correct when there are zero files ending in .txt.

solution: scripting tests and loops

1. Write a script that uses a for loop to count from 3 to 7.


for i in 3 4 5 6 7
 echo Counting from 3 to 7, now at $i

2. Write a script that uses a for loop to count from 1 to 17000.


for i in `seq 1 17000`
 echo Counting from 1 to 17000, now at $i

3. Write a script that uses a while loop to count from 3 to 7.


while [ $i -le 7 ]
 echo Counting from 3 to 7, now at $i
 let i=i+1

4. Write a script that uses an until loop to count down from 8 to 4.


until [ $i -lt 4 ]
 echo Counting down from 8 to 4, now at $i
 let i=i-1

5. Write a script that counts the number of files ending in .txt in the current directory.


let i=0
for file in *.txt
	let i++
echo "There are $i files ending in .txt"

6. Wrap an if statement around the script so it is also correct when there are zero files ending in .txt.


ls *.txt > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ] 
then echo "There are 0 files ending in .txt"
	let i=0
	for file in *.txt
		let i++
	echo "There are $i files ending in .txt"